
mathematical methods for neuroscience and machine learning

View the Project on GitHub JaneliaMLCourse/MathClub

All classes are in Seminar (except July 22 is in Auditorium)

We will also have office hours each Wednesday 1-3pm (in 2W.124 POD). You can also post questions to the Janelia slack #mathclub thread.

1: Calculus basics (Marcella)

derivatives, chain rule, gradients, Lagrange multipliers

Other resources

2: Linear algebra basics (Susu)

vector/matrix multiplication, basis vectors, span, subspaces, eigenvalues/vectors

Other resources

3: Eigenvalues and Principal Components Analysis (Carsen)

Eigenvalues/vectors, linear differential equations, PCA and SVD derivations

(typed notes)


4: Linear regression (John)

linear regression - derivation, application and non-linear approaches


5: Probability and random variables

random variables, gaussian/poisson distributions, moments, central limit theorem


6: Maximum likelihood estimation

log likelihood, analytical derivation of spike rate for a poisson model
